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International Hoya Association
Club Applications -  Web Page Title Graphic

   As mentioned on the "Membership Page" of this web site, the author of the Intonational Hoya Clubs quarterly magazine "Fraterna" will be taking a Hiatus from writing and producing the Quarterly Club Publication for the foreseeable future.

   As the Club Membership fees are used primarily for publication and mailing of the Fraterna Quarterly with a fraction of the dues going to maintain our web site, we felt it only fair to suspend membership dues for our current members, and not take anymore memberships in the Association at this time.

   We are working on creating a CD-ROM boxed set of twenty-two (22) years of Fraterna issues which will be available for the production fee to what would have been new members, and offered at a discounted production fee to existing members of the International Hoya Association(the right thing to do).

   Please understand, this decision to suspend publication of the Fraterna Quarterly was not an easy one for us to make, but a necessary one, at least for the time being.

   While we are not accepting new memberships at this time, nor taking renewals of existing memberships, you may still donate any dollar amount of your choosing, or author some articles for consideration of publication, that you feel may assist us in keeping the web site up to date.

   Note to Existing Membership: We will be contacting you once the Association Officers have made a final determination on how to handle memberships that still have Fraterna issues owing.

Thank You! The Officers of The International Hoya Association!


Copyright 2010 - 2013 International Hoya Association